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People who love music, they have an excellent working memory.

According to the researchers at Northwestern University, listening to music is a good workout for the brain which helps to strengthen your working memory. The music lovers remember the things better than the others.

Male musicians can impress girls easily.

The studies found that the girls prefer men who are composers to those who are not for casual relationships. In fact, they like the men who composed more complex music. 

Musicians have the ability to remember things from the past.

The studies at University of Texas have proved that while learning the music, the musicians develop a better long term memory. 

Music lovers can learn the new languages very easily.

Researchers found that the musicians can easily adapt to new languages compare to others. You might have listen the songs in different languages which are sung by the same singer. 

Classical music lovers have better IQ.

A lot of factors are determined based on the kind of music you are listening.  Yes it is scientifically proven that the people who love classical music, they have good IQ compare to the people who love pop music or no music at all.

Listen the music while running or jogging, it helps to burn more calories.

The study published in the Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research said, the music activates prefrontal cortex region and improve recovery during running thus you don’t feel tired. Compare to slow beat songs, listening the fast beat songs gives you better results. 

People who listen to music have less chance to hearing disabilities.

The constant exposure to different frequencies of sound avoids the several hearing related diseases. So, listening music helps people for good hearing ability. 

Children with musical training perform the executive functions better

According to Boston Children’s Hospital studies, the children with some musical training performed numerous executive functions such as processing, retaining information, solving problems etc better, compare to the children with no musical background.

While driving listen the songs which you never heard before, it helps for safe driving.

A study analysed the effect of music on drivers, which was published in Science Direct. This study found that people do mistakes while listening to the known songs. So, hold the list of songs which you never heard before and listen while driving for safe drive. 

Music lovers can give better performance in academics.


A study published in Psychology Today suggests that, music helps to boost the increase of grey matter. And this translated into best performance in your academics. So, engagement with music, it brings you better academic performance naturally.

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